Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Job Search: Infographic CVs and Video Resumes

Two trends to hit the job hunt are video resumes and infographic curriculum vitaes (CV). What is the difference between a traditional resume and a CV?

According to, "The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are the length, what is included and what each is used for. A resume is a one or two page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a resume is brief and concise - no more than a page or two, a Curriculum Vitae is a longer (at least two pages) and more detailed synopsis."

An infographic CV takes it one step further, using charts, graphs and other graphics to display information.

An excellent example of an infographic CV is one created by Gareth Case. He has received excellent feedback on the project. According to Gareth, "The majority of us are visual creatures, turned on more by the eye, than the depth of detail. To that end, my CV has attracted some lovely comments and in less than a month, 954 downloads. Would my standard CV have received the same level of interest? No chance. So I am embarking on a new journey, to turn our ‘detaily’ product collateral into slick, one page infographics that convey the essence of our key message in a few seconds, rather than a few minutes."

The blog, Cool Infographics, features a great post examining 16 different infographic resumes.

Video resumes are also a creative way to show who you are to a potential employer.

If done right, a video resume can help you market yourself to potential employers. features some tips on how to have success in create a video resume.

You can find numerous professional video resumes on YouTube. One example is Shelly.

One of the characters, Barney, on the show "How I Met Your Mother" poked fun at the trend, possibly showing job candidates how not to make a video resume.

Although infographic CVs and video resumes may not replace the traditional resume, both of these resume styles are sure to make anyone stand out as a job candidate!

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